The poster and the page from the score for The Storm - the chorus parts

Monday, March 15, 2010

REHEARSAL SCHEDULE: We are well underway with our rehearsals for Jonah. We have made every attempt to organize rehearsals so that your time is well spent. Blocking will happen every Saturday morning from 10 am till 1 pm. We will always break at 11:20 and resume rehearsal at 11:35, ending at 1 pm. You may want to bring a snack to this rehearsal. Music rehearsal will be on Sunday afternoon from 1:30 till 2:30 pm.

Next Saturday will be the rehearsal of the storm. If you know of anyone who may be interested in being in this scene, please let them know. They can be audience members at the beginning of the show and then move into the aisles for the storm and go back to their seats at the end of the storm to watch the rest of the show. Those of you who were at rehearsal today now understand that this is a soundscape and it doesn't matter how beautiful your voice is or whether you read notes. All are welcome.

The following is a break down of scene rehearsal:

Saturday, March 20: Scene Three (The Storm) All Chorus, please plan to be at rehearsal until 1 pm.

10 am: everyone, 11:20:break, 11:35 till noon, review scene one, two, three

noon till 1pm: Scene Four (Jonah In The Whale), chorus, Jonah, organ

Sunday, March 21: Scene Five and Scene Six, Chorus, clarinet, percussion, the King, The Jester, Women’s trio

Saturday, March 27: Scene Five

10 am: Jonah, the Whale, Sailors, 11:20: break, 11:35 till noon: run scenes one to five

Sunday, March 28: All chorus members and sailors

10 am: The King, the Jester, the Children, the Sailors

Saturday, April 3: Scene Six

10 am: Jonah, the King, The Jester, Chorus,

Sunday, April 4: Easter Sunday—no rehearsal

Saturday, April 10: Scene 7 & Scene 8

10 am: The Shady Tree, Jonah, flute, clarinet, percussion

10:45: Children’s Chorus, Jonah, Chorus, organ, flute

Sunday, April 11: clean-up, 1:30 to 2:30

Friday, April 16, dress rehearsal, 7 pm call

Saturday morning, April 17: clean-up

10 am till 1 pm.

Saturday, April 17: Showtime!

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